Student Evaluation Form

Please print off the Student Evaluation Form.

Fill out all the information on the student evaluation form and turn it in when you attempt our Part Two test in the Student Shop. 

You are required to download the student evaluation form yourself. 

If you forget to bring the student evaluation form with you there is an E Print machine available in TelCom building.

The Student Evaluation Form must be filled out and signed before a student can attempt the Part Two test in the Student Shop.

Be sure to write your Canvas test score in the space provided on your student evaluation form.

A passing grade for Part One is an 80.00% or better. 

79.99% is not a passing grade. 

No student grades are ever rounded up.

Canvas calculates and gives each student an accurate total score for completing all six Part One tests.

Here is the link for our Canvas site:


You are required to complete Part One & Part Two testing in the same semester.

No split semester testing will not be accepted.

Student Evaluation Sheet